Ouseburn Cricket Club

Our Junior section is one of the biggest in the local area and goes from strength to strength every year. It is run by volunteer coaches who have been through their ECB coaching qualifications and have all been accredited via the DBS child protection system.
We have been accredited under the ECB Clubmark scheme for over 8 Years. This recognises we run the Club with all the correct processes and protocols.
We operate teams for boys and girls from under 7's to under 18s
• Nidderdale League: 1 x U18; 1 x U15; 1 x U13; 1 x U11 pairs; 1 x U11 11-a-side; 2 x U9
• Hambleton League: 1 x U13 pairs
Junior indoor nets 2022 start at Boroughbridge High School on Sunday 6th March until 10th April.
Training times: Sunday 3-4pm – U9, 4-5pm – U11, 5-6pm – U13 & Girls, 6-7pm – U15/U18/Seniors
Outdoor nets start in April, continuing through until July with a Junior Presentation evening after the session.
Training times: Friday evenings 6-7pm for U7s/U9s (girls & boys)/U11s (boys); 7-8pm for U11 & U13 Girls/U13s/U15s/U18s
All at Great Ouseburn Playing Field.
All Junior Coaching Enquiries please contact Charlotte Evans ouseburnccmembership@gmail.com
UNDER 9's A and B Teams

UNDER 11's 11 aside and Pairs

UNDER 13's

UNDER 15's
Junior fixtures at home:​